In Niger, the World Bank is implementing two projects: the Connectivity Improvement Project in the Northeast of Niger (PACNEN) and the Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (PMRC). The objective is to improve the access to agricultural sites, basic services, such as health services and schools, and markets of poor rural communities living in the regions of Dosso, Tahoua, Maradi, and Zinder.
These projects are framed in the Niger National Transport Strategy 2017-2025 and the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2025 aiming to improve road safety in the country with the target of reducing the number of crashes by 25% by 2025.
The consultancy contributes to this worthy goal by building capacity of key government stakeholders and conducting Road Safety Inspections and Road Safety Audits on a sample of road sections (about 150 km) of PMRC and PACNEN to ensure the high level of safety of new and existing roads for all road users. A technical note specific to the Niger context will also be prepared on the basis of the five pillars of the Safe System approach, after identification of common road safety problems and based on international evidence-based best practices.